Why owls?

Why owls? Being a child of the 70s and early eighties, I grew up surrounded everything owl–owl necklaces, owl print fabric, owl figurines, owl candles, owl salt and pepper shakers, and owl shaped canisters. My Saturday morning cartoons were constantly interrupted by Mr. Owl’s very important research. In fact, I can still hear him counting in my mind at the sight or mention of a Tootsie Pop. I loved that commercial as much as I loved watching Hoozitz Owl in Shirt Tales, Starlite in Rainbow Brite, and Kowl in She-Ra.

Owls were pretty sweet back in the day: The Great Owl in The Secret of Nimh both amazed and terrified me, Woodsy Owl convinced me to lecture my friends to “Give a hoot–Don’t Pollute, and Winnie the Pooh’s Owl had a book collection that a girl like me could only dream of.

Of course, owls are popular once again, but that doesn’t really matter to me. The purpose of this blog is to help me further develop my drawing and illustrating skills, while providing me a fun escape from a stressful day-to-day life. I’ve been drawing owls since I was very young, and in doing so I have found escape from boring situations, focus in distracting situations, a sense of security during dangerous situations, and relief from the painful spasms of RLS.

Only after attending several years of conferences in which designers were encouraged to do things outside of their usual 9 to 5 to keep burnout at bay, sharpen skills, and open doors to new possibilities AND having a friend ask why I haven’t done anything with the many owls I’ve drawn over the years, did I realize that I NEEDED to let my birds fly. So here they are for your enjoyment.

All owls appearing on this blog remain the property of the illustrator. I ask that you request permission before reposting or copying any images you find here. If you would like to purchase my owls for personal or commercial use, you may do so by visiting my Etsy shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/AtomicOwls. If you don’t see the owl you’re after, just leave me a message here or on my Etsy shop. I’ll be adding downloadable files throughout the remainder of this project.

25 thoughts on “Why owls?

  1. Until I read this post, I never really realized just how many owls there were in my childhood. I remember most of the ones you mention. I then went on to study them, so I’m quite familiar with the real thing (as you already know from my blog), but I never really thought about what drove me to do that. Maybe the push was more subliminal than I thought 🙂 This is a cute idea for a blog and enjoy your owls. Looking forward to seeing more.
    (Dr. Hoo)


    1. My mom always pointed them out to me, since she and my grandma were serious owl collectors. I was surprised at how easily I was able to rattle them off. I’m sure I’ve missed a few, but I never have much free time for checking that kind of thing.

      Thanks! I’ve enjoyed your blog too!


  2. I grew up surrounded by owls too! My maiden name was Wiseman and my Dad designed a logo to sign my homework diary with that used his initials to make an owl! I’ll post a picture of one of my treasures soon. 🙂


  3. Hi! Thanks for liking my owl post too – they are just such fun to draw! It’s interesting to read about how influential they were in the 70s. – Just like everything else, they’re coming back around!


  4. Me again, I have popped back to your blog far too often today. I’m blaming your owls for my lack of focus on a particularly gripping newsletter I am meant to be writing. Please don’t post anymore, until after my copy deadline!


  5. Hi!
    I have nominated you for the Epically Awesome of Epic. There are a few guidelines, which are:
    1. Write ten awesome facts about yourself.
    2. Nominate ten other bloggers that you think are awesome enough to win this award.
    3. Inform the chosen they have won

    You are under no obligation to accept. (when I accepted I didn’t realise how much time it would take to follow these guidelines, but it was fun!) but I can see you are very busy

    So thanks for the blog and have a great day!

    Ruby Canoe.



  6. Oh, this blog just illustrates my life!
    I own a living Burrowing Owl and now my house is filled with owl stuff people bought for me! The poor fellow is going to have some kind of identity crisis soon, being surrounded by all those inanimate relatives all day…


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